
Showing posts with the label paranormal

Codex Gigas – “The Devil's Bible.”

Artefacts or remains of the past are often preserved with utmost care and are usually forbidden to human touch except its caretakers and priests (if required). Yes, you read it right – Priests are often in close contact with such objects. But why? Because these objects are remnants of the past, and they’ve been subjected to curses, cult practices & rituals, sacrifices, etc, and their exposure to humans can bring some unwanted menaces with them. Now some of you won’t digest the fact that these things exist, but, there’s a reason why the respective governments have strictly prohibited the access to such things in museums, art galleries, etc, in any of the tangible forms possible – touch primarily. E.g.:  The Annabelle doll remains in a glass box at The Warrens' Occult Museum in  Monroe , Connecticut (U.S.A.) . One such forbidden object weighing 74.8 kg ; 92 cm in length ; 50 cm in width and 22 cm in thickness is currently preserved at the National Library of Sweden...

What's wrong with Paranormal Genre in India ?

July 07th marks the death anniversary of the legendary Gaurav Tiwari, the prolific “ Paranormal Investigator ”. Hailing from Patna, he was the ‘ Founder cum CEO ’ of the “ Indian Paranormal Society ” the first of its kind in India. On discovering about his contributions in the field of paranormal research, I was compelled to ponder over the fact that “ Why Paranormal as a genre is lagging in terms of the content that is being produced in India ?” PROBLEMS WITH PARANORMAL AS A GENRE IN INDIA :- The Indian Paranormal Movies need a serious upliftment, more like a revolution that romantic genre got in 1990s & 2000s. Well that's means nothing if basic issues aren't addressed to their roots, these are :- 1. Lack of research behind the scenes :- Majority of bollywood directors have been reluctant to brainstorm behind the technicalities that goes into the movie other than romantic genre, which has led Paranormal genre being an untapped potential genre and saturating th...