Hiroshima Day – An Unforgettable Past !

The U.S. Secretary of Defense (SecDef) is the leader & CEO of the U.S. Department of Defense, the executive department of the U.S. Armed Forces and currently it is being held by General Lloyd Austin. General Austin recently hinted towards changing the nuclear football (Briefcase containing nuclear codes which are approved by U.S. President) to a much safer and less fancy one. Talking about Nuclear Football, you might be pondering over how many countries have used nuclear weapons till date ? The answer is - Only one (U.S.A.) That's right, Hiroshima at 08:15 am, on August 06th, 1945 became the experimental ground for the ‘ Manhattan Project ’, led by Robert Oppenheimer. On this day, U.S. ‘ Boeing-29 Superfortress Enola Gay ’ heavy bomber dropped approximately a 64 kg enriched uranium fission bomb named “ Little Boy ” on Hiroshima City, which was equivalent to 12,000 to 15,000 tons of TNT over an area of 13 square km. The other one being “ Fat man ” dropped on Nagasaki...