7 Deadly sins leading to Hell.

All the religions or cultures that acknowledge the existence of heaven and hell have a common protocol, ie., The Journey of a soul – Life on Earth - Penance in Hell - Reunification with God in heaven. Except Sikhism, all religions acknowledge the existence of heaven and hell as distinctive realms, which are :- • Ancient Religions of Egypt ( Duat ), Greece ( Realm of Hades demarcated by River Styx ), Hinduism; Jainism; Buddhism ( नर्क / Nark common for all ), Judaism ( גֵיהִנוֹם / Sheol in Old Testaments ) and Zoroastrian ( Duzakh ). • Abrahamic medieval religions like Christianity ( Hell ruled by Lucifer in New Testaments ) and Islam ( جہنم / Jahannam ). The Journey of a Soul is broadly determined by either of these two methods :- • Collective scaling of all deeds and decision relies on majority. ( Zoroastrian ) • Penance for every bad deed. ( Hinduism, Jainism, Christianity, etc ) All these religions have a set of common vices that you're aren't morally supposed t...